Pernah nggak kamu melihat sesuatu yang ada di sekitarmu sekilas seperti terlihat menyerupai wajah atau makhluk hidup? Padahal apa yang kamu lihat itu hanya benda-benda biasa. Fenomena psikologis ini nggak cuma kamu saja yang pernah merasakannya, namun juga sering dialami oleh banyak orang. Fenomena ini disebut pareidolia.
Pareidolia (dibaca par-i-doh-lee-a) adalah kecenderungan melihat wajah di tempat-tempat yang nggak biasa.
Namun ada hal yang menarik dari pareidolia ini. Seorang seniman desain grafis bernama Keith Larsen, memanfaatkan imajinasinya dengan menjadikan benda-benda yang dilihatnya sebagai inspirasinya dalam membuat beberapa karakter yang unik dan lucu. Nggak cuma itu, ia juga membuat caption cerita dari karakter yang dibuatnya dengan bahasa yang puitis. Penasaran? Berikut Hipwee merangkum 11 di antaranya.
1. Gantungan baju ini disulap menjadi gurita petinju. Imajinatif banget, ya!
gantungan baju gurita via
I’m the drunk octopus looking to fight. Fear the left hook and the jab of my right. You’re at an advantage, my eyes are offset. Yet I’ll surely win this one, I’m the safe bet. Even with six legs behind my back, this’ll be no match. But I can’t leave this wall, I’m stuck, I’m attached.
2. Siapa yang mengira pembuka kaleng ini bisa menjadi sepasang karakter yang lucu. Ceritanya sungguh romantis!
Jan and Fran via
Love can open many doors. We’re often used to open albacore. I’m Jan, and this is Fran. We’ve been told no, again and again. Many against us, our life is a sin. But in the end, love always wins.
3. Lampu ini dimajinasikan seperti kepala katak. Memang mirip sih, ya?
Seekot katak via
I’m Ellie D, the amphibious illuminator. The frog that toggles on during a power failure. I’m not green like Kermit, and I don’t tell jokes. But, keep me in mind next time the electric croaks.
4. Fire Hydrant ini mirip karakter kartun apa, ya?
Minion, Despicable Me via
I’m a dandy dapper dampener. Fires tickle my fancy, those are no match for me. Remove my monocle you must, for the water to flee. When it comes to parking, I know I’m a nuisance. But when your dog pees, I’m somehow translucent. I’m a damn dampened hydrant.
5. Yang ini bentuknya seperti …
Garry! via
Slow and steady wins the race. That’s not the case when it comes to this face. Tracking your time, waiting for it to expire. The shell on my back being a parked cars tire. Your times running out, telling you is my purpose. This is my role, as a parking meter tortoise.
6. Like an alien!
gagang pintu via
Your door remains shut thanks to me. Twist my body for the hinges to move free. I’m Larry, the latch beaked bird. When you tried to be sneaky, my mouth is the click you heard. My face remains hidden when you do too. Open your door, to see the bird that never once flew.
7. Tas seorang bad boy!
I’m a Bad boy via
I’m just a bag takin’ a drag. Greaser hair, pull string flair. I’m not full of myself as I may look, I’m filled with your belongings, like pencils and books. Give me a chance doll face, I’m not a cheater. We’ll hold hands at the drive-in theater.
8. Kalau yang ini mirip apa menurutmu?
Mirip apa, ya? via
Ting tang walla walla bing bang. You’ll be healed by these words I sang. I’m a rusted rake, a trusted fake. Hiding behind my mask as you take the medicine I make. I collect all that is natural, dried leaves and all. Homeopathy is the term, if I recall. My tines are feathers, oxidized from the weather. Come to me, the witch doctor, so you can feel healthy and better.
9. Sekilas bentuknya seperti Llama, binatang asli Amerika Selatan
Llama via
Did you hear the news? Pull down my ears is how I’m used. Newspapers are what I dispense. Be up to date with your current events. Look at new gizmos and gadgets, clothes and jackets. Just about anything worth to mention. You can call me Yorker, your yellow news dispensing gremlin.
10. Sering dibuang-buang, korek ternyata bisa menginspirasi Keith membuat karakter yang keren
Karakter ini bernama Bicyclist Rick via
WOAH, all this traction can cause a fire! Braking so hard losing tread on my tires. I’m bicycle Rick, bearded and hip. Wearing my cyclist cap on every trip. I’m there for every drag, I love to race. But this is my face when I come in the last place. I’ll win next time, my bearings must be tighter. Remember my name, Bicyclist Rick, the astounded bic lighter
11. Gelas Mc’Donald ini bertransformasi menjadi monyet yang—sepertinya—mengantuk
sleepy monkey via
A yawning morning monkey, yearning for caffeine. Senses not so keen, for this waking groggy coffee fiend. Hoo hoo ha ha, that first cup was great. That productive primate mode, we all can relate. Ba da ba ba ba, energy all day long it’s not gonna quit. Bananas and coffee, breakfast of chimpions, and I’m lovin’ it.
Pareidolia nggak hanya mengenai indra penglihatan, namun juga indra pendengaran. Ketika kamu seperti mendengar sesuatu samar-samar yang seolah memiliki arti tertentu, itu juga termasuk pareidolia. Btw, dari gambar-gambar di atas, karakter mana yang paling kamu suka? Atau kamu juga mengalami gejala ini?